LightClub Curiosity Shoppe
40 Main Street
Warwick, NY 10990
(845) 544-2189
LightClub Curiosity Shoppe
Sugar Loaf
1379 Kings Highway
Sugar Loaf, NY 10981
(845) 610-3968
Archangels Part II
Sun, Jun 30
|LightClub Warwick
Embark on a transformative journey into the celestial realm of archangels, exploring their essence, guidance, and the profound impact they have on our spiritual lives.

Time & Location
Jun 30, 2024, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
LightClub Warwick, 40 Main St, Warwick, NY 10990, USA
Explore the history, religion, and spiritualism of the Angelic Realm and learn about where we fit into their world. This course, offered every month, will examine the fascinating subject of angels and our personal relationship with them.
We will be covering the processes of spiritual awakening--what it looks and feels like individually; before we move on to the meaning of collective consciousness. We will discuss that prior to having a connection with the divine, that they need to understand their own experiences and awakenings.
We will discuss how to understand which archangel resonates individually and how to invoke or evoke them to create magickal relationships with them prior to using them to help and/or heal others. We will conclude with a meditation practice to receive their wings and to also receive angelic alignment and attunement so that in future they can also learn angelic healing and spiritual guidance.
Energy Exchange/Self-Investment: $40
(includes handouts)